Playa Limpia
Clean, Healthy Sustainable
Playa Limpia is a community funded grass roots program that officially started in 2016. Our program leader, Ernesto Leon Sandoval (AKA Pato), has extensive knowledge in the arenas of recycling, composting and artistic communications and education. Pato’s efforts on the Guerrero coast, and elsewhere in Mexico since 2008 paved the way for us to develop Playa Limpia and we are growing quickly to meet the needs and priorities of our residents; a clean, healthy and sustainable beach community.
Our programs budget is funded by a combination of our private member drive (made up of locals and visitors), our local conservation minded homeowners association (APCAT est. 1998), fundraising events and tourist donations. We welcome donations via paypal at

Our effective and evolving waste management program encourages a beautiful and healthy environment. We are also hoping to reduce the use of plastics in homes and restaurants. Please use reusable containers, straws and bottles when possible.
Many homes are now composting and we also have community composts that collect waste from restaurants and houses. Composting helps reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and reduces water wastage.

We facilitate monthly workshops and classes for our gardeners, children and adults. Technical skills, art programs and outdoor adventures are all part of our curriculum for growing environmental awareness amongst locals and visitors.
If you wish to know more about or contribute ideas, funds or volunteer hours to our ever-growing community and programs to help the conscious and respectful growth of Troncones please visit